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LITTLE GEMS: Put down the knife and pick up a spoon - This is a week of bowl food! Plus, eating at S

Hi! Welcome to this week's blog. I say this week but I really mean last week! I've been trying to take some time out from blogging so much on my days off. Sometimes it can be a bit overwhelming and then I just need a mini break. I got one this weekend and now feel nice and refreshed again! :)

I've not been feeling 100% this week, so I've not really been out that much. It's more of a cooking at home week really. Anyhoo, I will show you what I got up to in any case. Have you been watching my Insta stories on @foodlifeandem? I've been trying to put up my cooking videos and showing you what I've been eating in a day, go check it out if you get time :) Here are my foodie adventures this week...

Lunchtime Salad

Rocket and Cous Cous with Avocado, Coleslaw and Falafels

As you can see I made this quite a few times last week! I bought enough to last me for around 4 lunches and it tasted so so good.

I've not cooked cous cous in so long and I forgot how much I love it. I simply soak 50 grams with 75ml of hot vegetable stock and cover it with a lid. Then after 7-10 mins it's ready! Tastes great too!

Here is my lazy noodle soup dinner. I say it's lazy as I made the broth a couple of weeks ago and then just popped it in the freezer! In the morning, I got it out to defrost, heated it on the stove and then poured it over some noodles and cooked some greens. so quick and easy and yet it feels like I'm eating something that's taken me ages to cook.

Starry Sky Smoothie Bowl

I love this smoothie bowl with spirulina, although it looks a bit dark the fruit makes it look like a firework in the sky! Spirulina has so much protein in it too - plus it tastes better than protein powder!

What a beautiful snack! Can't beat a couple of figs to fill your tummy. They are packed full of fibre, plus they contain lots of essential minerals and vitamins too! The perfect skin-loving food!

Buckwheat Pasta with Mushrooms, Greens and a Truffle Oil Dressing

Pasta night this week was some delicious mushrooms and greens. I love the combination of mushrooms with truffle oil and lemon. This was super tasty and filling!

Friday night was more bowl food! I got another broth out of the freezer and had it with vermicelli noodles and pak choy and cabbage. Yuuum!

Plus you can't beat a good dessert! I had a play with the Nigella cookie dough pots. I replaced some ingredients with gluten free flour, coconut oil and coconut sugar. They tasted so delicious, plus I had a couple extra left over to go in the freezer!

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Pots

Mango & Coconut Yoghurt Blend with Homemade Granola & Fresh Fruit

I find that as much as I love granola, having it with yoghurt kind of makes me gag! I think I've had it so much over the years I just can't stomach it anymore. So, I decided to blend my coconut yoghurt with a tiny bit of almond milk and a handful of frozen mango and made my own type of yoghurt. It was so so good! Kind of like a smoothie bowl but just not as big - hence all the extra fruit to fill my belly!

One of the few of times I ventured out this week. When you're feeling like you need some goodness in your body there are only two places to visit... The Garden in Hale and The Greenhouse on Oxford Road. I adore their selection of salads and this was one of my fav combinations! The roasted cauliflower is heavenly!

Saturday morning breakfast was a smoothie bowl like the mango and coconut one but I added some extra almond milk and a whole frozen banana. Highly recommend this!

Tropical Smoothie Bowl with Superfood Blend

My second venture out this week was to Red Chilli on Oxford Road. I needed some food with a good kick and some flavour. This hit the spot perfectly!

Red Chilli Restaurant | Oxford Road Manchester - See the menu here

(left) Braised Aubergine with Sweet Chilli Sauce

Stir Fried Tong Choi with Crushed Garlic

Fried Beancurd Coated with Salty Duck Egg Yolk

Sunday Breakfast with Homemade Pancakes (Yes, he is putting golden syrup on his!). This has to be my fav breakfast ever at home! I adore these pancakes and they are so easy to make as well!

Gluten-Free Pancake Stack with Coyo Coconut Yoghurt, Fresh Berries & Maple Syrup

San Carlo Gran Cafe | Selfridges Manchester Exchange Square - Menu here

(top) Chicken Caesar Salad

Grilled Aubergine, Mozzarella, Oregano, Basil & Sundried Tomato on ciabatta

This is my one of my fav sandwiches here. Yes it's heavy and filled with cheese but it's good... oh so good! I love San carlo food too, especially the two restaurants in Selfridges! What's not to like... Great food with great shopping! Happy days!

I hope you had a good week. Sorry for being a bit M.I.A, it's good to have a break now and again!

Thanks so much for reading,

Big love,

Em x


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