So this is a weird trend right now isn't it? Something we would think should be left to the boys has become a whole new trend for us ladies. For those of you who do not know, I'm talking about dermaplaning. Not sure what it is? No problem, I'm here to help!

The concept of dermaplaning is basically to shave the face. When we shave the face it removes all the fine vellus hairs and leaves with a smooth, fuzz free finish. However, it's not just shaving the face though, it's also shaving your skin!
Dermaplaning is a physical exfoliation of the face using a sterile, surgical scalpel. It is performed by a qualified professional who uses a blade on an angle to shave the fine, vellus hairs (aka peach fuzz) and also the top layers of dead skin. Sound scary? Well it kind of is! That blade is seriously sharp and one false move and you could loose an eyebrow!

A smooth skin's surface! Smoooth as a baby's bottom!
When you 'shave' off the layers of dead skin, it can help to remove pigmentation, reduce fine lines, create a smooth base for makeup and remove any fine hairs on the face. Experts claim the products can penetrate the skin better too as there is nothing to get in the way of them penetrating the skin (because there is not hair or any dead skin in sight).
It is also good to know that the hairs will not become any thicker or darker. As a side note, unless you are changing the hair growth through stimulating the hair follicle (i.e. waxing, threading, plucking, laser, electrolysis) the hair growth will not change - it's impossible. Hair tends to feel thicker when shaved as the tip of the hair becomes blunt. Then as it grows back, it feels thicker due to the sharp edge (as opposed to the soft tip).
A lot of people ask me about this treatment. Mostly because it's been the 'new trend' for the past couple of years and people want to know what the deal is!
These are my thoughts (and my thoughts only by the way)
You get a nice, smooth result from the treatment. So if you have an event or special occasion where you will be having a lot of makeup applied, you might see a better result and the makeup may sit better on the skin.
I am concerned with the removal of so much dead skin, your skin will become VERY sensitive - especially to sunlight. Therefore, if you are not applying SPF every few hours, you could be prone to pigmentation worse than before.
As the skin will be so sensitive, you will have to be scrupulously clean at all times. If you touch your skin a lot there is a very good chance you will end up with an acne breakout due to bacteria passing across.
This leads on to my next point which is never have this treatment done if you are are acne prone or have any form of breakouts on your skin. You will just spread the bacteria and end up with more spots than you started with. No therapist should ever perform this treatment on a client with open pustules.
I would also note, that if you are not using a good quality skincare range, you could end up blocking your pores with creams as they will penetrate in. This means stay away from the high street brands and aim for a professional skincare product range.
I spend my life educating clients, family and friends about how they should steer clear from harsh face washes and face wipes as they damage the skin's natural barrier. This is literally removing it surely... and then some!
My main concern is that there is so much chance of overstimulation. Especially if you have a darker skin tone, your risk of pigmentation will be so high. There are many practitioners who recommend this treatment along with glycolic peels and microneedling ALTOGETHER! My head explodes with the thought of this. Your skin will be super sensitive after dermaplaning, then the thought of adding an acid peel on top and then puncturing the skin with a microneedle rollers seriously frightens the bejesus out of me!
Make sure you go on referrals. You want to see a professional with some experience and who has done many treatments. This is a 'no-joke' blade, so when I say you can slice your face open... you probably could if it's not done right!
Steer clear of anybody who is heavy handed! I still remember the horror stories of clients who have had microdermabrasion from therapists with heavy hands. They ended up scarred with lines in their face from pressing too hard. You don't want this with a blade!
They say it can be done if you have rosacea. I can't understand how this doesn't aggravate the skin and make it more inflamed. You could try it so see if it helps but I can't understand how.
Wear SPF and then more SPF to protect your skin from further pigmentation and wrinkles from the UVA and UVB rays.
Do not have this done and then go on holiday or spend anytime in the sun or on sunbeds after your treatment. Your therapist will recommend the correct aftercare advice for you to follow.
NEVER think that you can do this at home. This is done with a surgical scalpel and not a normal razor. It is not like shaving your face at all and should definitely be left to a professional.
I hope this gives you an insight into this treatment. After a lot of research, I found nobody really talks about any side-effects at all. To be honest, this is not something I would ever think of doing. I would much prefer to have regular treatments done to slowly slough off dead skin to not leave it so sensitive. Using good homecare to keep your skin in optimum health and having a high quality facial treatment will give better, long term results.
Thanks so much for reading