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Sun Protection Basics

Summer is on it's way, and for many of us that means spending more time outside in the sun. If you're like me, that's not a problem. I love being outdoors during the warmer months. But if you have sensitive skin or are prone to breakouts, then summer can be a little tricky when it comes to taking care of yourself.

Sun protection every day is important.

Sun protection is important every day, even when you aren't going to be outside. Sun exposure accumulates over time, so even if you're not spending all day in the sun, your skin will still be at risk of damage. The more time you spend in the sun, the greater chance there is that you'll get a sunburn or develop skin cancer later on in life.

Sunscreen can help protect against both short-term damage (like burns) and long-term damage (like wrinkles). But don't just trust any old sunscreen—most of them offer only SPF 15 or 20 protection at best! You'll want something with an SPF above 40 for best results; Nimue and SkinBetter Science makes great products like this one if you're looking for something well formulated with high quality protection from both UVA and UVB rays.


  • Reapply sunscreen every two hours if you can

  • Use a sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30.

  • Apply sunscreen 20 minutes before going outside.

  • Apply liberally and evenly to all exposed skin, including your ears, lips, and neck (if you're going to be wearing a hat or scarf). You should also reapply if you are perspiring heavily or if you get wet from rain or water activity.

Don't believe everything you read about so-called "natural sunscreens."

A lot of these products contain ingredients that can be harmful when exposed to the sun. Don't be fooled by the word "natural." It doesn't mean that it's better or safer than other types of sunscreen.

The best way to protect yourself from the sun is with a broad spectrum sunscreen, which protects against both uva and uvb rays. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends using a sunscreen with at least SPF 30 for everyday use and at least SPF 50 for intense exposure to sunlight, like going outside for hours on end or spending time in water.

I love the Nimue and SkinBetter Science sunscreens which can be purchased from my site. Just contact me here to get the link.

Protecting your skin from the sun doesn't stop when summer ends

It's true. Summer skin is different from winter. The dryness of winter can make you feel like your skin is at its best, but as we know, that's not the case. In fact, during the summer months (and especially if you're spending a lot of time outdoors), your skin needs more protection than ever before!

Summer can be tough on acne-prone folks. Between the heat, humidity and sweat (or lack thereof), it's almost inevitable that someone will break out after a day in the sun. And while the weather may have cooled down a bit since last month, it's still important to protect yourself from UVA rays by using sunscreen or other skincare products with SPF.

In addition to protecting against UV damage, there are steps you can take to keep pollution away from your face:

  • Wear sunglasses whenever possible.

  • If you do need some moisturiser or foundation during these hot months (it happens!), choose one labeled "oil-free" so that it won't clog pores when mixed with sweat and dirt particles floating around us in our air.

  • Take care of any blackheads before they become pimples! Use an exfoliator once per week before applying makeup if needed; this will help remove dead skin cells so they don't clog pores later on down the road. I love my Exfoliating Face Mask each week to deep cleanse the skin.

Pay attention to the neck and chest areas.

For many people, the neck and chest are the most vulnerable areas to sun damage. Spreading a moisturizer with SPF 30 or greater will help prevent this. If you have sensitive skin, try a non-comedogenic (doesn't clog pores) sunscreen. To protect your neck and chest from sun exposure, wear a scarf that covers those areas whenever possible—even if you're just going out for lunch! Also consider wearing an oversized button-up shirt on top of whatever else you're wearing so that more skin is covered up. Basically, the more coverage means less chance of getting burned! And finally: don't forget about hats! They're not just for baseball players anymore! You can find great ones at any clothing store these days—just remember to pick one that fits snugly over all your delicate facial features so they won't get burned either when being outside late in the day

But my foundation has a built in SPF

A lot of products that have spf's already built in are not always very well formulated and do not always offer adequate protection. If your foundation contains an SPF, the chance of your applying enough to give you the protection on the label (the length of your index AND middle finger with product) is unlikely.

Always use a separate sun protection under your foundation to protect your skin.

If you want to use a makeup that contacts a high quality SPF, I would recommend the SkinBetter Science ToneSmart as it's a tinted mineral SPF 50 and is a product I wear every single day. Contact me here to purchase.

Don't forget your hair too!

Another important step is making sure you're protecting your hair from heat damage caused by styling tools (blow dryers, flat irons) and UV rays. This means avoiding heat as much as possible (and using products with UV protection).

Prepare your skin for summer and protect it from damage, dryness, and premature ageing.

Protecting your skin from the sun is important all year round, but it's especially vital during summer months. No one can predict the weather, and early morning sun is stronger than midday sun. If you're planning to go outdoors for any length of time on a day that looks like it could be sunny, use an SPF 30 or above sunscreen before going out.

It's easy to get carried away with summer fun, but protecting your skin from the sun is important. Summer doesn't last forever, so make sure you're taking care of your skin now so it will be there for you later on in life.

Thanks so much for reading,

Lots of love,



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